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org/webiyo/examples/viewjava/Source.javapackage org.webiyo.examples.viewjava; import; import java.util.*; import static org.webiyo.examples.viewjava.TokenType.NAME; import static org.webiyo.examples.viewjava.TokenType.SYMBOL; import static org.webiyo.examples.viewjava.TokenType.WHITESPACE; public class Source { private final SourceFile file; private final String text; private final List<Token> tokens; private final Map<String, String> shortToFullClassName; public Source(SourceFile file, SourceIndex index) throws IOException { this(file, index, file.loadSource()); } public Source(SourceFile file, SourceIndex index, String text) { this.file = file; this.text = text; this.tokens = parse(text); this.shortToFullClassName = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); addClassNames(index.getFilesInPackage(file.getPackage()), shortToFullClassName); addImports(tokens, index, shortToFullClassName); } public SourceFile getFile() { return file; } public String getText() { return text; } public List<Token> getTokens() { return tokens; } public String getFullClassNameFor(String shortClassName) { return shortToFullClassName.get(shortClassName); } public String getClassName() { return file.getClassName(); } // end of public methods private static List<Token> parse(String text) { List<Token> tokens = new ArrayList<Token>(); Lexer lexer = new Lexer(text); while (lexer.hasNext()) { tokens.add(; } return tokens; } private static void addClassNames(List<SourceFile> filesToAdd, Map<String, String> shortToFullClassName) { for (SourceFile file : filesToAdd) { shortToFullClassName.put(file.getClassNameWithoutPackage(), file.getClassName()); } } private static void addImports(List<Token> tokens, SourceIndex index, Map<String, String> result) { Iterator<Token> it = tokens.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { nextImport(it); if (match(WHITESPACE, it) == null) continue; String importName = readImportName(it); if (importName == null) continue; if (importName.endsWith(".*")) { String packageName = importName.substring(0, importName.length() - 2); addClassNames(index.getFilesInPackage(packageName), result); } else { result.put(getShortClassName(importName), importName); } } } private static String getShortClassName(String className) { int lastDot = className.lastIndexOf('.'); String shortName = className.substring(lastDot + 1); return shortName; } private static String readImportName(Iterator<Token> it) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); while (it.hasNext()) { Token token =; if (token.getText().equals("*")) { result.append("*"); return match(";", it) ? result.toString() : null; } else if (token.getType() != NAME) { return null; } result.append(token.getText()); String symbol = match(SYMBOL, it); if (";".equals(symbol)) { return result.toString(); } else if (!".".equals(symbol)) { return null; } result.append("."); } return null; } private static boolean match(String expectedText, Iterator<Token> it) { if (!it.hasNext()) return false; Token token =; return token.getText().equals(expectedText); } private static String match(TokenType expectedType, Iterator<Token> it) { if (!it.hasNext()) return null; Token token =; if (token.getType() == expectedType) { return token.getText(); } else { return null; } } private static void nextImport(Iterator<Token> it) { while (it.hasNext()) { Token t =; if (t.getText().equals("import")) { return; } } } } |